Friday, May 11, 2007

What am I going to do about the SCU Career Management Center?

SCU's Career Management Center issue has come up time and again on the public yahoogroups. It is apparent that we need to resolve this issue ASAP. Before I enlist a few initiatives I will undertake to improve Career Management Center services if elected, allow me to emphasize that there is a distinction between career management and job placement.

Currently, GBP focuses on offering Career Management and not necessarily job-placement. Given the part-time nature of the programs and with most of the student population gainfully employed, GBP has chosen and tailored its offering to provide career management. Having said that, I understand that Career Fairs have not been as effective as students would like for them to be and I promise to work towards improving them and making them more relevant by getting more Bay Area employers. I would work with GBP to look at ways of doing effective marketing to the employers. And I would also like to invite active participation from the student community.

Some of the other initiatives I would like to undertake as the INC Chairperson on this issue:

1) Align Career Management Center and Student objectives and expectations

2) Work with Career Management Center to change the types of events that get hosted. Have more of consultants and/or speaking engagements to address topics related to managing careers, stress management, and panel events on careers in venture capital, consulting, etc.

3) Improve Career Management Center outreach to various employers and add sectors like biotechnology/pharmaceuticals, banking, consulting, venture capital, and private equity

4) Improve the communication between students and Career Management Center for constant feedback

5) Streamline existing job notifications which are sent mostly via emails

While we can do all of this to enhance the Career Management Center offerings, it is important for folks to make use of what is being offered. Make use of Career Management Center, take career management counseling and please don't just go once, go as many times as you need to ensure you are getting what you need. If you are not satisfied, let someone know. If you are not comfortable talking directly to the administration, find the INC President (don't forget to vote for me), or a Network President, or a GSAC representative and get it to their attention. It will create the necessary feedback loop to further improve and enhance.

Should you have further questions or comments, please feel free to email.

-Neeraj (Candidate for INC Chairperson)

PS: Voting starts next week, please take out a few minutes and vote.

1 comment:

Swarna said...

Hi Neeraj,
Now I understand why you were so passionate to work on the CC issue :) Impressive post you've got here!

Let's get started on our initiatives and see that things begin to materialize sooner.

Will send you a detailed email in a day or two, as a follow-up for our last conversation.

Good luck, for all of us!