Friday, September 25, 2009

iPhone MMS is now live

It is here, finally. As of today, Sept. 25th, 2009, iPhone users can now send a MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) messages. What does this mean in lay man terms? You can now share, pictures, videos, audio files as part of your TXT (SMS) messages.

How to go about it?

1) Download the "Carrier Update" via iTunes.
2) Sync your iPhone.
3) Reboot. Remember to do this or you won't see the small "camera" icon when writing that text message.
4) Enjoy !!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dribbling the Microsoft World - Windows XP SP3

I have never been a big fan of Microsoft's gazillion updates and Service Packs and more updates in the name of security. My personal experience has shown that crappy stuff gets out and then MS goes after trying to fix it. Keeping up with the tradition, as part of SP3, someone at MS with low caffeine level (read no attention to detail), screwed up yet again.

If you have just recently installed SP3 on XP, if and when you try to update your "Windows Components" you will run into an issue of "Setup library msgrocm.dll could not be loaded, or function OcEntry could not be found." While you may be able to locate the file on your harddrive by doing a search, it does not really solve the problem. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Locate the msgrocm.dll file on your drive in C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386
  2. Copy the file to C:\WINDOWS\System32\Setup
Try running the Install Windows components again... and you may run into two more missing files. Repeat the above mentionedsteps for
  • ocmsn.dll
  • msnmsn.inf
At this point, you should be go. This issue may go away eventually when the next "patch/security update/service pack" is released. (Or so are the hopes).

Good Luck with Whinedoze....