Monday, March 05, 2007

Neeraj for SCU INC Chairperson

As the Founder and President of IS Connexion, I have successfully been bridging the gap between Technology and Business Entrepreneurs at Santa Clara University (SCU). Serving in the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC), I have been actively involved in various activities on campus. I have worked closely with many students to help affect current student issues and communicate new ideas to better the student environment. In addition, I continue to serve as the face of MSIS Program educating prospective students about the SCU experience. As such, the Inter Network Council (INC)-Chairperson leadership role will allow me to work with all the Networks and further bridge the gap between Technology and Business Leaders & Entrepreneurs at SCU. In this age of sharing, I would like to build new partnerships and expand networks across the Leavey School of Business programs such that lines between disciplines diminish.

5 Point Plan

* Enhance Intra-Network Collaboration
* Streamline Networking Opportunities
* Bring new Technologies to improve and enhance Student Collaboration
* Help all Networks Succeed

Last but not the least,

* Promote SCU Brand in the Silicon Valley